Information Label Properties

Click here to see the Information Label Properties window

This window opens when you first place a report information field element on the report. You can re-open it later by selecting a report information field element then clicking the menu mouse button on it. Select Edit properties from the pop-up menu. The window will display the properties of the label that you clicked on.


Information - Choose the type of system data you want this element to contain from the Information drop-down list. The following types are available:

  • Date - The date on which the report is produced.
  • Time - The time at which the report is produced.
  • Date/ Time - The date and time at which the report is produced.
  • Page Number - The number of the current page of the report.
  • Report Title - The title of the current report
  • Tax Year - The tax year that is selected on the Report Information page before the report is printed or previewed.
  • Current user's staff code - The staff code of the user who placed the report information field.
  • Current user's staff name

The following six options display any filters of the relevant type applied to this report. This allows you to see what information is being displayed.

  • Group under category filters
  • Analysis category filters
  • Yes or No category filters
  • Partner code filters
  • Manager code filters
  • Employee code filters
  • Total number of records - The total number of clients included in this report.


Preceding text - Enter any text that you wish to print in the report information field element before the system data itself.



To produce the text Produced on [Date Created] , you would enter Produced on in the Preceding text box and select Date from the Information drop-down list.

Autosize width - Tick the box to set the width of the element to exactly fit the width of the text.

Transparent - Tick the box to make the background of the element transparent, so that any text or graphics behind it will show through.

Alignment - Select an option from the drop-down list to indicate how the text and system data should be aligned:

  • Left
  • Right
  • Centered

If the element is in the Page header or Page footer band, it will be aligned within its band. If the element is in the Column header or Details band, it will be aligned within its frame.

Font - Select this button to choose the font for the report information field using the standard Windows Font window. If you do not choose a font here, the default will be used. This is set in the Report Page Setup window.

Colour - Select this button to choose the background colour of the report information field using the standard Windows Color window. You can change the colour of the text using the Font window, which is opened by selecting the Font button.