Examples of Filters
Example 1
You have created a Yes or No category called Send Newsletter? You have set this to Yes, No or Unknown as appropriate, for each client. You now wish to use the report generator to produce a list of clients who should be sent a newsletter. To do this you would enter the following filter:
Filter type Yes or No category
Category Send Newsletter?
Set to Yes
When you select the Add button, the following will appear in the filter list:
Yes or No 'Send Newsletter?' = 'Yes'
Example 2
You have an Analysis Category called Risk assessment which can be set to High risk, Medium risk or Low risk. You wish to produce a report of all clients whose risk assessment is high or medium. To do this you would enter the following filters:
Filter 1
Filter type Analysis category
Category Risk assessment
Set to High risk
Select the Add button then add filter 2.
Filter 2
Filter type Analysis Category
Category Risk assessment
Set to Medium risk
When you select the Add button, the following will appear in the list:
Analysis 'Risk assessment' = 'High risk' or 'Medium risk'
Example 3
You want to produce a report of all clients who are dealt with by the partner LH and who have a Risk Assessment of High. To do this, enter the following filters:
Filter 1
Filter type Partner code
From LH
To Leave this blank since you do not wish to specify a range of partners.
Filter 2
Filter type Analysis category
Category Risk assessment
Set to High risk
You should have two filters in the list:
Partner code = LH
Analysis category 'Risk assessment' = 'High risk'