Do you wish to associate this date with another date?

You can choose to associate the date that you are creating with another date e.g. if you are creating a Target date you can choose to link it to an Achieved date. You can only associate Date types that can form pairs (see the Type of date page). The three options are:

  • No - You can choose not to associate the date that you are creating with another date.
  • Yes, associate it with this existing date - Existing dates that you can link to are displayed in the drop-down list. This section is unavailable if no applicable dates exist.
  • Create an associated date - You can create an entirely new associated date by selecting this option and entering a name for the new date. This new associated date will automatically assume the opposite value of the one that you are currently creating e.g. if you are creating a Target date the new associated date will be Achieved.