About the Stock Movements reports

You can use the Stock Movements Summary report to see a summary of the movement of your stock items during a specific time period. You can also double-click a stock item to open the Stock Movements Detailed report, which displays a breakdown of all stock movement transactions for the stock item in the specified time period. These reports are useful in calculating sales costs.

Understanding the Stock Movements Summary report

The Stock Movements Summary report includes the following information:

Item Code The code of the stock item.
Item Description The stock item's description, as shown on your invoices.
Quantity In All Goods In and Adjustments In stock movements for the specified reporting period.
Quantity Out All Goods Out and Adjustments Out stock movements for the specified reporting period.
Value In The total net value of the stock item for the specified reporting period. This value is determined by multiplying the cost price of the item (at the time the invoice, credit note, or adjustment was entered) by the Quantity In amount.
Value Out

The total net value of the stock item for the specified reporting period. This value is calculated using the cost price of the stock item at the time the invoice, credit note, or adjustment was entered multiplied by the quantity on the sales transaction or adjustment out.


In order for the report to calculate Value Out correctly, you must have a cost price on your stock item. If you change the cost price after entering the transaction, this does not affect the Value Out calculation.

To generate the Stock Movements Summary report

  1. Go to Reporting > More > Stock Movements .
  2. Click More and then Stock Movements .
  3. From the Period drop-down list, click the time period you want to report on. Choose Custom if you want to enter your own date range in the Start and End fields.
  4. In the Category field, choose All to see all categories on the report or select a specific category to see only products and services in that category.
  5. Note:

    The Category field displays only if you set up categories for your products and services. See Add and manage categories for more information.

  6. Click Calculate.
  7. Optionally, click Export to export it to a comma-separated value (CSV) file or portable document file (PDF).

Understanding the Stock Movements Detailed report

The Stock Movements Detailed report includes the following information:

Date The date of the stock movement.
Type The stock movement transaction type appears here.
Reference The Sales or Expense Invoice reference.
Details The stock transaction details.
Quantity In All Goods In and Adjustments In stock movements for the specified reporting period.
All Goods Out and Adjustments Out stock movements for the specified reporting period.
Value In The total net value of the stock item for the specified reporting period. This value is determined by multiplying the cost price of the item (at the time the invoice, credit note, or adjustment was entered) by the Quantity In amount.
Value Out

The total net value of the stock item for the specified reporting period. This value is calculated using the cost price of the stock item at the time the invoice, credit note, or adjustment was entered multiplied by the quantity on the sales transaction or adjustment out.


In order for the report to calculate Value Out correctly, you must have a cost price on your stock item. If you change the cost price after entering the transaction, this does not affect the Value Out calculation.

To generate the Stock Movements Detailed report

Follow the steps below to generate the Stock Movements Detailed report.

  1. Go to Reporting > More > Stock Movements .
  2. Click More and then Stock Movements .
  3. From the Period drop-down list, click the time period you want to report on. Choose Custom if you want to enter your own date range in the Start and End fields.
  4. In the Category field, choose All to see all categories on the report or select a specific category to see only products and services in that category.
  5. Note:

    The Category field displays only if you set up categories for your products and services. See Add and manage categories for more information.

  6. Click Calculate.
  7. Double-click the stock item for which you want to generate the Stock Movements Detailed report.
  8. Optionally, click Export to export it to a comma-separated value (CSV) file or portable document file (PDF).