Add and manage categories

You can group your products and services into different categories for easier analysis and reporting. For example, if you are a stationery and computer retailer, you may want to group your products and services into paper products, office supplies, computer accessories, etc.

You can also create subcategories, down to four different levels. This helps you find your products as well as allowing for more detailed reporting. For example, you might want to break your office supplies category down into further subcategories such as desks, chairs, and filing cabinets. You could then further divide the chairs category into executive, folding, and stools.

You can see the category that a product belongs to from the Product and Services list.

How is this different from analysis types?

Use categories to group similar items together. This makes it easier to sort and filter your products and can be used for reporting.

Use analysis types to group your product records in other ways, across several categories. For example, you might want to report on your products by brand, color, size, range etc. You can set up analysis types in Settings.

To create product categories

  1. Go to Products &Services.
  2. Click New Item and chose Manage Categories.
  3. Enter a name for the category.
  4. If it's going to be a subcategory, then select Make a subcategory.
  5. Choose the category that it will be under.
  6. Click Save.

To edit product categories

If you need to you can change the name of a product category, change the parent category, or create or delete a subcategory.

  1. Go to Products &Services.
  2. Click New Item and chose Manage Categories.
  3. Select the categories that you want to change from the list.
  4. Make the required changes in the top section.
  5. Click Save.

To delete product categories

When you delete a product category, this also removes the category from any product records it's associated with. If it has subcategories, they will become top-level categories.

  1. Go to Products &Services.
  2. Click Create New and chose Manage Categories.
  3. Select the categories that you want to delete from the list and click Delete.

To add categories to products and services

Once you have created your categories, you can add them to your product records. You can do this when you create a new record and when editing an existing one. You can use categories with all types of products and services.

  1. Go to Products & Services.
  2. Click the relevant item and then click Edit.
  3. Select the required category.
  4. Click Save.