Edit a vendor payment

This explains how to amend vendor payments. Change a vendor payment at any time, even when it is allocated or reconciled.

You cannot change the vendor. Instead, delete the payment and enter a new payment with the correct vendor. Read Delete a customer receiptDelete a vendor payment

How this works

Vendor payments

When you edit a vendor payment used to pay or part-pay an invoice.

  • The payment remains matched to the invoice.

  • If you reduce the amount to less than the invoice value, then adjust the Paid amount on the invoice before you can save.

  • If you increase the amount to more than the value of the invoices being paid, we save the remaining amount as a Payment on Account. Use the Payment on Account to pay another invoice or match to a refund or credit note.

  • If the payment is also allocated to the wrong invoice, remove the checks next to the relevant invoice when you edit the payment.

Reconciled payments

These are payments included on a bank reconciliation. On your bank activity, they have a tick in the reconciled column.

The edited transaction stays reconciled, when you change the Reference, Method, , and Date, as long as the date stays within the reconciled period. For example, if the end date of the reconciliation is 31 July, and you change it to any date up to 31 July.

The edited transaction is no longer reconciled when you change the Bank account, Amount, or Date where the date is later than the end date of the reconciliation. For example, if the end date of the reconciliation is 31 July, and you change the date to 5 August. For these transactions

  • We unreconcile and update the transaction so it is ready for you to check and reconcile again.

  • To tell you the edited transaction is no longer reconciled, we add a Removed from reconciliation label to the Corrected Transaction column.

  • We update the starting balance of your next reconciliation, as the edited transaction is no longer reconciled.

  • On the bank reconciliation page, we show the edited transaction with a Corrected label. This tells you that you edited this since it was reconciled.

Audit trail and reports

When you edit a transaction, we reverse the original transaction and create a new one with a new transaction number. Apart from the audit trail, only the new transaction shows on your reports.

Edit a payment

  1. From Banking, open the relevant bank account.
  2. From the Bank Activity tab, open the payment to edit.
  3. Change the bank account, method, date, reference, and amount as required. You cannot change the vendor.
  4. If you change the amount and the payment is allocated, select the edit icon in Paid column. The Part Pay window opens. Adjust the Amount to Pay or Discount as required.

    Screenhsot of the Part-pay window

  5. Save your changes.

Reconcile again

If you previously reconciled the payment, you may need to reconcile it again. Do this when you change the bank account, amount, or date where the new date is later than the end date of the reconciliation.

When you open the reconciliation page, you will see the edited transaction with a Corrected label in the Corrections column.

Edit a recurring payment

Edit the most recent payment. Identify this by the recurring symbol .

  1. From Banking, open bank account used for the original receipt.
  2. From the Activity tab, open the most recent transaction.
  3. Edit the receipt and Save.

We create a new receipt with the updated details on the next repeat date. Previous recurring payments remain the same.