Delete a customer receipt

This explains how delete customer receipts.

You cannot delete a receipt that is included on a tax return. Instead, create a reverse transaction to clear the value from the bank account, customer account, and return.

How it works

Once deleted:

  • The transaction shows in the audit trail with a line through it.

  • Any invoices the receipt was allocated to will show as unpaid.

  • The balance on the customer account is updated.

  • The bank account balance is updated.

Reconciled receipts

These are paymentsreceiptstransactions included on a bank reconciliation. On your bank activity, they have a tick in the reconciled column. When you delete a reconciled receipt:

  • It shows on your bank reconciliation with a Removed from reconciliation label in the Corrected Transaction column.

  • The Starting Balance of your next bank reconciliation is updated. The Starting Balance is always the total value of all reconciled transactions, up to the statement date. Deleted transactions are not included in this balance.

Delete the receipt

  1. From Banking, select the relevant bank account.
  2. From the Activity tab, select the tick box to the left the receipt you want to delete.

    location of delete button

  3. From the toolbar, select Delete.