Open the Reports window

You can open the Reports window:

  • From the Tools menu, choosing Report Generator,


  • by clicking Reports on the toolbar.

The select Report window appears. From here you can view, create and modify reports quickly and easily.

To see what the buttons on the toolbar can do, click here.

The toolbar in the Select Report window has the following buttons:

Images/CCentre00000267.gif - Expands the Report List completely, allowing you to see all reports in the list.

Images/CCentre00000268.gif - Collapses the Report List completely, closing all folders and hiding all reports from view.

- Creates a new sub-folder. This button will only be available when you are in the Custom Reports folder.

Images/CCentre00000270.gif - Deletes the currently selected report in the list. This button is only available if the report is not read only. A padlock on the report icon indicates that the report is read only.

- Opens the standard Windows Print window, allowing you to print the current Report List.