Ruler, Grid & Columns

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Show ruler - Tick the box to display a ruler along the top of the design area. Select the units that you wish the ruler to use from the drop-down list. These are the available options:

  • MM - The ruler will be divided into millimetres.
  • Inches - The ruler will be divided into inches.
  • Characters - The ruler will be divided into a number of text characters.

Font - Choose the font in which the band names will be displayed using the standard Font window.


The grid is not visible but elements are automatically aligned to it when you position them in the design area. This makes lining up elements easier. The options in this section allow you to set the size of this grid. For example, if you set the X grid size to 10 pixels, you would only be able to place reports at 0, 10, 20 etc pixels across the screen. This would make it easier for you to line up a column of different elements at 20 pixels.

Grid size X: - Set the distance in pixels between horizontal points on the grid.

Grid size Y: - Set the distance in pixels between vertical point on the grid.

Keyboard move X: - Set the distance in pixels that the selected element(s) will move when you press the Images/CCentre00090007.gif or Images/CCentre00090008.gif keys.

Keyboard move Y: - Set the distance in pixels that the selected element(s) will move when you press the Images/CCentre00090009.gif or Images/CCentre00090010.gif keys.#


Two further spin-edit boxes allow you to divide the report into columns. Enter the number of columns you wish to have on the report in the Number spin-edit box. Enter the amount of space you wish to have between each column in the Column space box. The units in which this is measured are displayed to the right of the box.


Note: When designing a report with more than one column, you only need to design one column. This single column will be repeated according to the number of columns that you specified. The width of each column is indicated by one or more coloured lines in the design area. .