Opening a dataset

What is a dataset?

Click here to see the Open Dataset window

This window opens when you start Control Centre (unless you tick the Use as default dataset box). It can also be accessed by selecting the Open Dataset... option from the File menu. You can also open this window by pressing Ctrl+O.

Existing datasets - You can open any existing dataset in the Open Dataset window by:

  • double clicking on its icon
  • highlighting it and pressing Return
  • or highlighting it and pressing the OK button.


The icons are exactly the same as those used in the Client Navigator. The window will show the network or local location where the datasets are stored.

The Open Dataset window has a tool bar with the following buttons on it:

Images/CCentre00000157.gif - Properties - You can select this button to view and change the Properties of the highlighted dataset. This can also be accessed using Alt+3

Images/CCentre00000156.gif - Show All - Displays all available datasets including those which cannot currently be accessed, for example, because they are on another user's local hard drive.

Use as default Dataset - Tick the tick box if you want to make the currently highlighted dataset the default. When you open Control Centre in future this dataset will automatically be opened. To choose another dataset after you have selected a default, load Control Centre and select Open Dataset from the File menu. The Open Dataset window appears, from which you can choose another dataset.

Cancel - If you press this button when the Open Dataset window initially appears, e.g. when you first run Control Centre, you are taken into the system without selecting a dataset. You can open a dataset by selecting Open Dataset from the File menu..

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