Enter the partnership's contact and tax details
Salutation - Enter an informal name for the partnership. It initially defaults to the partnership's Trading name. If you proceed to the next page of the Add New Partnership wizard without entering a salutation for the partnership, the default salutation will automatically be selected.
Address - Enter the partnership's address.
Postcode - Enter the partnership's postcode.
Telephone - Enter the partnership's telephone number.
Fax - Enter the partnership's fax number.
Tax district - Select the tax district in which the partnership is located. You can do this in two ways:
- if you know the partnership's tax district reference enter it in the Reference box. The Tax district name defaults according to the reference that you enter. If the reference is incorrect e.g. there is no corresponding tax district, the text <unknown> appears instead of a tax district name.
- you can use the Tax Districts window to find the name of the district and the corresponding reference. Select the Lookup button or press the F2 key when the Reference box is selected to access this window. It contains a list of all tax district References, Names, Telephone numbers and Fax numbers.
Unique Taxpayer Reference - Enter the partnership's Unique Taxpayer Reference. It appears on Page 1 of the SA800 form. The UTR has a check digit incorporated. All Sage Taxation systems use this check digit to ensure that the tax reference that is entered is a valid one. A warning appears if the reference is incorrect.