Tax Districts

Open this window by selecting Tax districts from the Tools main menu option. It can also be accessed by selecting the Lookup button whenever you need to enter a tax district, for example in the Add New Individual wizard.

This window lists all current tax districts in the United Kingdom.

Find ref./name - You can search for a tax district by entering the first few letters of the ref./name. Select the Ref. button to search by reference or select the Name button to search by name. The district that most closely matches or is nearest to your entry is highlighted in the list. Select the OK button or double-click the select mouse button to confirm your choice.

It gives the following details for each one:

Ref. - The tax district's reference number. This is set by HM Revenue & Customs. More than one tax district can share the same reference number. Select the Ref. button to sort the list of districts by their reference numbers in ascending numerical order.

Name - The tax district's name. This is set by HM Revenue & Customs. Select the Name button to sort the list of districts alphabetically by their names.

Telephone - The telephone number of the district.

Fax - The fax number of the district.

You can choose to edit/view, add and delete tax districts.

Edit - Highlight the required district and select Edit. The Add/Edit Tax District window appears. Selecting edit also allows you to view existing details. You do not have to make changes if you select Edit.

Add - Select Add to create a new district. The Add/Edit Tax District window appears.

Delete - Highlight the required district and select Delete. A warning screen appears asking you to confirm that you wish to delete it.

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