Create the Sales Revenue—Products & Services report

The Sales Revenue—Products & Services report displays a list of items you sold in a selected period or date range. The report shows the item type (stock, non-stock, or service), quantity (or hours for services) sold, net sale amount, cost amount, profit amount, and profit percentage of each item.

The formulas used to calculate profits are:

  • Profit amount = Sales price – Cost price
  • Profit % = Profit value / Sales price x 100

Ensuring accurate calculations

To calculate the profit amounts, be sure to enter cost and sales prices for all items before creating invoices or credit notes. The profit amounts are calculated according to the cost and sales prices of the item at the time the invoice or credit note was entered. Changing the prices later will not change the profit calculations on the report.


If a non-stock item has a negative cost price, the default sales price is zero.

Running the report—why and when?

The Sales Revenue—Products & Services report is extremely beneficial and is often considered a core financial report. You can run it anytime you need up-to-date insight on the revenue generated by the sale of your business' products and services. Typically, you would run this report at least monthly to monitor your sales revenue.

To calculate the report

  1. Open Reports > Sales Revenue—Products & Services.
  2. From the Period list, select:
  3. Period Description

    This Month

    To calculate the report from the first to the last date of the current month.


    To calculate the report from the first to the last date of the current quarter (three-month period).

    This Year

    To calculate the report from the first to the last date of the current calendar year.

    Last Month

    To calculate the report from the first to the last date of the previous month.
    Last Quarter To calculate the report from the first to the last date of the previous quarter (three-month period).
    Last Year To calculate the report from the first to the last date of the previous calendar year.
    This Fiscal Year To calculate the report from the first to the last date of the current fiscal year. This selection displays only if you entered a date in the Year End Date field within Fiscal Year & Accounting Method settings.
    Last Fiscal Year To calculate the report from the first to the last date of the previous fiscal year. This selection displays only if you entered a date in the Year End Date field within Fiscal Year & Accounting Method settings.
    Custom To display date fields, where you can enter your own date range.
  4. Optionally:
    • In the Type list, select Stock, Non-Stock, or Service to see only those items on the report or All to see all types of products and services.
    • In the Category list, select a category to see only the items in that category on the report or all to see All items in all categories. This option displays only if you set up product and service categories.
  5. Click Calculate.
  6. Note:

    If you are assigned No Access or Restricted Access permissions in any area, the Cost ($), Profit ($), and Profit (%) columns are not included on the report.

  7. Optionally, click Export to save the report as a comma-separated value (CSV) or portable document format (PDF) file. The Sales Revenue—Products & Services report saves to the downloads folder.

If you exported the report to a CSV file, your web browser may prompt you to choose a folder to export it to instead of automatically using the downloads folder. Also, if you exported it as a PDF file, your web browser may automatically open the report in a new window. You can then download or print the report from the PDF window.