About reports
Accounting includes the following reports, which you can use to help run and analyze your business. You can filter the report data and then export them in PDF or CSV format as needed.
Click Reporting (or Reporting, More) to view the report list.
Essential reports
View the worth and performance of your business.
Detailed reports
View transaction reports for sales, expense, and ledger accounts.
- Sales Day Book
- Trial Balance
- Purchase Day Book
- Profit Analysis
- Sales Revenue—Products & Services
- General Ledger
- Audit Trail
- Chart of Accounts
Cash reports
View bank transactions and analyze your cash flow.
- Cash Flow (Forecast or Statement)
- Receipts and Payments Day Book
- Unreconciled Bank Transactions
- Unallocated Receipts or Payments
- Cashbook
Tax reports
Create a summarized or detailed sales tax report.
Products & services reports
Online payment reports
Paya - Opens the Paya Virtual Terminal, where you can run payment reports.