Create the Profit Analysis report
If you use product and service records to keep track of how much profit you make on the sale of each item, you can use the Profit Analysis Report. When running the report, you can choose to run a summary of your profit or a detailed report. The summary report shows the net, cost, and profit amounts and the percentage of the profit made for each transaction, as well as an overall total. In addition to that information, the detailed report includes a breakdown of the profit for each item sold. This is useful If you sell different products or services on the same invoice, credit note, or quote.
For the report to calculate the profit correctly, you must have a cost price and a selling price. Because you don't enter a cost price for service records, the profit always shows as 100%. If you want to enter a cost price, use product records instead.
The profit calculates as follows:
Selling Price - Cost price = Profit value
Profit value / Selling Price x 100 = Profit percentage
The profit is calculated based on the cost and selling price in use when the invoice, credit note, or quote was posted. If you change the cost or sale price after posting the transaction, this doesn't affect the profit calculation.
You buy a product with a cost of 4.50 and then sell it for 12.00. The profit calculates as follows:
12.00 - 4.50 = 7.50
7.50 / 12 = 0.625 x 100 = 62.5%
To run the report
- Go to Reporting and then More.
- Click Profit Analysis.
The report shows all invoices, credit notes, and quotes where you've used a product or service, up to the current date. To view the report for a particular transaction, enter transaction number in the Type to search field. To view transaction details, click the transaction's row. Then to return to the report, click your browser's Back button.
- From the Period menu, select one of the options, such as This Month or This Year.
To use a custom period of time, select Custom and enter the start and end dates for the report.
- Click More to view filtering options:
Note: If you have set up analysis groups for your customer records, you can filter the report to show the profit for a particular group of customers. You can't filter the report for any other analysis type, because the report shows the overall profit on the invoice rather than individual products. The Analysis Type and Analysis Category menus appear only if you've already created your customer groups.
- From the Include menu, select whether you want to run the report for all transactions or just invoices and credit notes or quotes.
- From the Show details menu, select whether you want to run the summary or detailed report.
- To save or print the report, click Export and select CSV or PDF.
- Depending on your browser, CSV files are either automatically downloaded, or you will be asked to save the file.
- PDF files will open in a new tab or window. Use the browser toolbar options to print or save the report.