Make contacts inactive

By default, all new customer or vendor contacts are Active. This allows you to select them in new transactions and throughout Accounting.

Over time, you may have contacts you no longer do business with. You can make these unused contacts Inactive.

How it works

Once a contact is inactive, Accounting removes it from the selection list for new transactions. This prevents new transactions from being created for the contact.

For audit purposes, the contact isn't deleted from existing transactions or reports. If you need to edit an existing transaction, first make the contact Active again.

Make a contact inactive

To make a customer or vendor inactive:

  1. Select Contacts, Customers or Vendors.
  2. Select Active under Account Status.
  3. Set the status to Inactive and then Save.

The contact will show as Inactive in the list.

Make a contact active

To make a customer or vendor active:

  1. Select Contacts, Customers or Vendors.
  2. Select Inactive under Account Status.
  3. Set the status to Active and then Save.

The contact will show as Active in the list of contacts.

Filter contacts by status

To filter the list of customers or vendors by status:

  1. Select Contacts, Customers or Vendors.
  2. Select Filter at the top of the list.
  3. Set By status to All, Active, or Inactive and then select Close.

The list will show only contacts that match the selected status.