PDF Settings

Save Location

When selecting to save a document in PDF format, a standard Save window will be displayed. You can configure your system so that each time this window opens, the folder into which these documents should be saved is automatically selected. You can set this default folder within Control Centre by selecting Tools > Administrator > PDF Settings.

You will be prompted to enter the Administrator password.

The PDF Settings screen will then be displayed.

You can set the default PDF folder by typing the full path into the box available, or by clicking on the magnifying glass icon and browsing to the required folder.

You should then choose an appropriate location to which all PDFs will generally be saved. This is the folder that will open as default when you choose to save a document in PDF format. You will still be able to amend the save location at the time of saving in the usual way  if required.

If you do not amend this path and folder, then the system default save location will be used, which will be "...Master\Docs" in whatever location your 'Master' directory is installed to.


You can amend the filename of the PDF document to be saved as required. However, a default filename will always be displayed. The filename of the PDF document to be saved will default to the following formats:



File Naming Convention


Control Centre


Name of Report - Date Generated

Clients with Children - 22-06-2004.pdf



Name of Letter - Date Generated

Return to Client - 22-06-2004.pdf



Client Code - Tax Year - ADQ

ABC100 - 2004 - ADQ.pdf


Statements of Account

Client Code - Statement of Account - Statement Date

ABC100 - 2004 - 22-06-2004.pdf

Personal Tax

SA100 Tax Return

Client Code - Tax Year - SA100

ABC100 - 2004 - SA100.pdf



Client Code - Tax Year - R40

ABC100 - 2004 - R40.pdf



Client Code - Tax Year - SA303

ABC100 - 2004 - SA303.pdf



Client Code - Tax Year - P11D

ABC100 - 2004 - P11D.pdf


Plain Paper Schedules

Client Code - Tax Year - All Schedules

Client Code - Tax Year - Schedule Name Schedule

ABC100 - 2004 - All Schedules.pdf

ABC100 - 2004 - UKDividends Schedule.pdf


Plain Paper Calculation

Client Code - Tax Year - Calculation

ABC100 - 2004 - Calculation.pdf



Client Code - Tax Year - ADQ

ABC100 - 2004 - ADQ.pdf


Statements of Account

Client Code - Statement of Account - Statement Date

ABC100 - Statement of Account - 22-06-2004.pdf

Business Tax

Accounting Period Reports

Client Code - AP End - Reports

ABC100 - 31-12-2003 - Reports.pdf


Assessment Year Reports

Client Code - Tax Year - Reports

ABC100 - 2004 - Reports.pdf

Partnership Tax

SA800 Tax Return

Client Code - Tax Year - SA800

ABC100 - 2004 - SA800.pdf

Trust Tax

SA900 Tax Return

Client Code - Tax Year - SA900

ABC100 - 2004 - SA900.pdf

Sage Forms

All forms

Client Code - Form Number - Date Generated

ABC100 - 64-8 - 22-06-2004.pdf