Adding staff members
To add a new staff member:
- Within Control Centre, from the Tools menu, choose User List. The Staff Lookup window appears.
- Click Add. The New User Details window appears.
- Fill in the details on the Personal Details page.
Click the Systems Access tab page and fill in the details on this page.
The access rights are explained below:
No AccessThe user will not be able to access the program.
View OnlyThe user will be able to open the program and view information, but will not be able to add or amend any data.
Modify onlyThe user can access the program and make changes to existing information, but cannot add any new or delete existing records.
Add and ModifyThe user can access the program, make changes to existing records and add new records, but does not have permission to delete data.
Delete, Add and ModifyThis is full access for the user who will be able to add new records, make changes to existing records and delete records. Certain restricted functions will, however, still require the administrator password.
- When you've entered all the information, click OK. The new user name will appear in the list of users on the Staff Lookup window.
- You may change a user's profile details at any time by selecting the user name from the list and clicking Edit.