Modify Report Wizard Step 1

Step 1 of the Modify Report Wizard gives you the option to select what information you want to appear on your report. This screen has two windows. The left hand window displays all the information available and the right hand window displays all the information selected to show on the report. Click here to see an example of the Modify Report Wizard Step 1 screen.

You can view all of the information available for selection by either clicking on the icons to the left of the folder names which will open the selected folder out to the next level, or by clicking the Expand All button which will open all folders to their lowest level. Once a folder is opened to its lowest level, the plus icon becomes a Clicking this icon will close the folder, and clicking the Collapse All button will close all folders that are currently expanded up to the highest levels.

You will notice that the Personal Tax folder in particular contains a large amount of options of information that can be included on your report.

Once you have found the information details you are looking for in the left hand window, highlight your selection by clicking on it. Then click the right-arrow button to add your selection to the right hand window. This information will now appear on your report. You will be able to organise the layout of your report later. You can remove options by clicking the left-arrow button. You can add and remove whatever options you like until you are satisfied with your selection.

Once you have selected which information you wish to appear on your report you can alter the order in which it appears. Highlight an option in the right hand window and you will see that the Move Up and Move Down buttons become available. Click these buttons as required to move your selections into the required order.

The Clear All button will remove all the options you have selected to include in the right hand window, so that you can begin your selections again.

Once you have chosen all the elements that you wish to include on your report, click Next to continue to Step 2 of the wizard.