Please indicate who will be responsible for this partnership's tax affairs
This page only appears if you selected Partnership Tax in the Select which systems you wish to set the client up for page of the Add New Client wizard. You can enter who is responsible for the partnership with regards to the Partnership Taxation module; you are specifying who will be responsible for their tax affairs.
Select who is responsible from the relevant list of staff members. You do not have to enter all or any names in order to proceed with the creation of the partnership.
Partner - You can choose which partner is responsible for the partnership's tax affairs.
If you know the partner's code enter it in the small box to the right of Introduced by. Their name is displayed if the code is correct. If the code does not correspond with an existing staff member the text <unknown> is displayed. If the code corresponds with a staff member who is not a partner, the text invalid partner appears.
Select the Lookup button or press the F2 key when the small Partner box is selected to access the Sage Taxation Users (Partners) window. This window displays a list of codes and the corresponding names for all staff who are partners.
Manager - You can choose which manager is responsible for the partnership's tax affairs.
If you know the manager's code enter it in the small box to the right of Introduced by. Their name is displayed if the code is correct. If the code does not correspond with an existing staff member the text <unknown> is displayed. If the code corresponds with a staff member who is not a manager, the text invalid manager appears.
Select the Lookup button or press the F2 key when the small Manager box is selected to access the Sage Taxation Users (Managers) window. This window displays a list of codes and the corresponding names for all staff who are managers.
Employee - You can choose which employee is responsible for the partnership's tax affairs.
If you know the employee's code enter it in the small box to the right of Introduced by. Their name is displayed if the code is correct. If the code does not correspond with an existing staff member the text <unknown> is displayed. If the code corresponds with a staff member who is not an employee, the text invalid employee appears.
Select the Lookup button or press the F2 key when the small Employee box is selected to access the Sage TaxationUsers (Employees) window. This window displays a list of codes and the corresponding names for all staff who are employees.