Opening and using Main Details

You can use Main Details to enter personal details for a client and to establish their rights and identity within the Sage Taxation applications. These details will then be displayed on the Summary tab on the right hand side of the Client Navigator.

You can open the Main Details window in any of the following ways:

  • Click on the Details icon on the toolbar.
  • Double-click the select mouse button on the client's name in the Client List
  • Click the menu mouse button on the client's name in the Client List and select Main details from the pop-up menu
  • Press the Enter key when the particular client is highlighted in the Client List


The full name and code of the client is displayed in the title bar of the window.

You do not have to enter all of the details in Main Details, but it is strongly advised that you do so as certain information appears on the Tax Return.

! - This symbol in the Help indicates that you must enter the required information to be able save any changes that you make to the client's Main Details. Control Centre itself will warn you that the information must be entered.

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