Assigning numbers to clients
Choose this icon from the available options in the Client Attributes section of the Client Navigator. Net worth is the name of this particular Number category. A window appears which has one page:
Number type - This is the name of the Number category. You cannot change this.
Client - This is the name of the currently selected client.
Period - This is the period to which the Number category applies. Only the Number categories which relate to the period type selected in the Show for box are available. The dates for Tax years, Period of accounts and CT periods are displayed e.g. 06/04/1996 - 05/04/1996.
Change to - If you selected Previous period as the default value when you created the particular Number category the value in this box will default to the value of the previous period.
If there are three successive Tax years, A, B and C, and the value of A is 1000, the Change to box for B will default to 1000. If you changed the value of B from 1000 to 2000, Tax year C would default to 2000, as it inherits the value of the previous year.
If you selected Clear when you created the particular Number category the Change to box will default to 0 for each of the Tax years A, B and C.
You can change the value of the particular Number category to whatever you want.
Reset to default of... - You can tick the tick box and then select OK or Apply to reset the value in the Change to box to its default setting, which is based upon the Default value that has been selected for the category.
Remember: You can only change an existing address if your access rights are set to Modify only, Add and modify or Delete, add and modify.