ADQ Letter Example








Our Reference: [ClientCode]

Dear [Salutation],

Self Assessment Tax Return: Year ended 5 April [TaxYear]

A Self Assessment return of income and capital gains, with claims for allowances and reliefs, is required for the tax year ended April 5th [TaxYear].

To prepare the return on your behalf I require full details for the tax year. A questionnaire is enclosed for completion, and as a guide to assist you with the collation of information required. If you are unsure as to whether a receipt, payment or event is to be returned please provide full details.

H M Revenue & Customs impose deadlines for filing of tax returns. These deadlines differ dependent upon the content and method of filing the return, and also where any tax due is to be collected via PAYE. However, if the statutory filing deadlines cannot be met late filing penalties will be imposed.

To ensure I can prepare the return for approval and submission within the relevant filing deadline I will require the information requested, together with all relevant documentation, as soon as possible.

Please contact me if you have any queries.

Yours sincerely,


