How to cancel your Sage service

If you decide you no longer want to use your service, you can cancel your account. If you do, you cannot access your data from the date it’s cancelled.

Only the business owner can cancel the account or edit subscriptions. We recommend that you print any information you might need before cancelling. For example, the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, and Trial Balance reports.

To cancel your account

  1. From the upper right-hand corner, select your business name and then Manage Business Account.

  2. In Subscription and Invoices, select Manage my Subscription.

  3. From the list of subscriptions, select the appropriate subscription and then Cancel my Subscription.

  4. Enter the reason. After the request is created, you will receive an email confirmation once the request is completed.

You can reinstate access to your business and reactivate your service at any time, provided we receive the request in writing. This must be from the person we have listed on our system as the business owner or person who first set up the account. Once reinstated we’ll start billing you again, as usual.

Your final payment for your service

When you pay for your service, you pay for full months only. The invoice for your service is generated on the first day of each month. It covers the period up to and including the end of the month and is payable on the 16th of the month.

If you cancel your account on or before the 16th, the invoice for the current month is still payable, and the final payment is taken on this date. If you cancel your service after the 16th of the current month, but before the 1st of the next month, as you’ve already paid for the full month, so no further payment is due.