Review and approve draft transactions

It’s important to review draft transactions before you approve them as they may not always match the uploaded file.

  1. Select the Drafts to approve tab to review the draft transactions.
  2. Select the row to review the draft. To check against the uploaded file, select the arrow at the top right of the draft invoice.

  3. Check that the details are correct and make the required changes. You may need to:

    • Add a new vendor.

    • Add a invoice reference.

    • Change the .

    • Adjust the tax amount.

  4. When you're happy, choose Approve.

Once approved, we create a new expense invoice. Find this on the Invoices tab.

If you have uploaded a picture of a receipt, don't forget to pay the invoice as well.


If an invoice has multiple items with the same tax rate, only one line will be included in the table. This will show the full tax amount. The description can be changed before you approve.

 Assign a transaction for review

Set up a user as reviewer

Other users can review and approve transactions as long as you have set them up with ‘Full access’ or ‘Restricted access’ to Expenses in User Settings.

1. From the Drafts to approve tab, select the transaction you want to assign

1. Choose Assign

3. From the Assign for Review screen, choose Assign to and select the user from the drop down

4. Add a note for the assigned user

5. Choose Assign invoice

When you assign a transaction to someone else, they can see transactions assigned to them in the Drafts to approve tab. The number in brackets shows how many transactions that user has to review.

Bulk assign transactions

Assign multiple transactions to a user for review at one time.

1. From the Drafts to approve tab, select all transactions you want to assign.

1. Choose Assign

3. From the Assign for Review screen, choose Assign to to and select the user from the drop down

4. Add a note for the assigned user

5. Choose Assign invoices